Mr. Robbo, The PE Geek
The blog I commented on the past month was from a man who calls himself Mr. Robbo, The PE Geek. Mr. Robbo is a good resourse if you are majoring in physical education. His first blog tells us the importance of staying up with current research in our field. This is called Research Informed Practice. With technology the way it is today, a person should have no problems staying up with current research. In fact, there is so much out there, and with new information coming in so fast, we will still be behind. The second blog from Mr. Robbo was on finding helpful APPs for the physical education teacher. This blog listed hundreds of APPs that takes you to the most useful sites a PE teacher could think of. I will continue to visit this site just to keep up with the latest happening in the physical education world.
C4T #3, Comment # 1
The teacher I commented on this week is Mr. Jarrod Robinson, better known as Mr. Robbo-The PE Geek. I really enjoyed reading this post. I enjoyed it because it deals with what I am majoring in, Physical Education. The blog is about Research Informed Practices. The post emphasize the importance of teachers keeping up with current research in their field, which in this post is physical education. It lists publications that offer updated research that will be useful to anyone who teaches P.E. The blog also offers an opportunity to get free research from other physical education teacher blogs. I believe that with the kind of technology available to us today, research for any subject will be easy to obtain. I appreciate Mr. Robinson sharing his blog. There was information in his blog that will definitely benefit me as a new physical education teacher.
C4T #3 Comment #2
This weeks blog for Mr. Robbo, The PE Geek dealt with how to find useful APPs for physical education. Again, I am all over this site, since I'm majoring in physical education. He listed places to find top APPs for PE teachers. These APPs included cool games of tag, Netball, Adventure Walks, IYoga, IMuscle, only to name a few; there are hundreds more. There are so many, that it is over-welming. My worries about what will make my class more interesting and how I will incorporate technology into my physical education class have diminished. This one website alone can probably cover the Alabama Course of Study.
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